$3,000 E-Bike stolen from Grand Forks senior

Willard Trainor had his red E-bike stolen over the weekend from a bike rack in front of his condo building. (Photo/Grand Forks RCMP)

Grand Forks RCMP are asking community members to keep an eye out for a red Giant Momentum E-Plus E-Bike, stolen from a senior resident.

Police believe the E-Bike was stolen late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

Willard Trainor, a 96-year-old resident of the Silver Kettle Village in Grand Forks, had left the bike locked at the front entrance of the building in a bike rack. The thief cut the lock and damaged the bike rack before leaving with the E-Bike.

The stolen bike is valued at $3,000.

Grand Forks RCMP are investigating the theft and ask the public to keep an eye out for it.

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Victim Services is engaging and seeking support for Trainor.

“It’s disturbing on so many levels that someone would knowingly enter a senior community living residence and deprive a senior of his mode of transportation,” stated Detachment Commander Sergeant Darryl Peppler.

“Mr. Trainor lost more than his bike; he lost his mobility and some measure of trust.”

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